
  • Dr. Warren Hoffman


    Dr. Warren J. Hoffman has served congregations in Calgary, AB; New York City; Vancouver, BC; Alpena, MI; St. Louis, MO, and became head of staff at First Baptist Church in Sioux Falls in September 2013. A native of South Dakota and Alpena, Warren was a member of the graduating AHS class of ’73 and then pursued his education at the University of South Dakota; North American Baptist Seminary; Princeton Theological Seminary and received a Ph.D. from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Preaching and Worship.

    Email Warren

  • Sam Brys

    Ministry Asst.

    Sam assists in many areas at Huron Shores and will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have.

    Email Sam

  • Lay Staff

    Several members of HSF serve as leaders in various committees and areas at Huron Shores.